I am currently sitting in my apartment eating breakfast on the eve before the first day of classes of my junior year in college. (I'm sorry for the amount of prepositional phrases I just used!) That sentence scares me a little. I remember being a freshman like it was yesterday...even though, at the same time it feels like it was so long ago. It is beautiful to look back and see the work the Lord has done over the past two years.
I apologize for my absence on this blog over the summer! I don't know what happened...but thank you to Sara Beth for making me find my inspiration again :) Summer was long and difficult at times, but really great at others. Looking back on it, God was teaching me a lot...more than I thought He was. He is always working! But it is so good to be back at school. I never really realize until I come back after the summer how much I have missed everyone here. And so far, junior year has been pretty wonderful. I had the opportunity last week to lead a pre-orientation trip for nine freshman girls. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better w
ay to start the year. We were able to work with Triune Mercy Center, learning about their ministry to the homeless and began work on a vegetable garden. We had a blast and we all learned a lot about what God is doing in our city.

our group at Triune
Sara Beth came to visit on Friday and Saturday to help move her god-brother in! It was so great to have her here and in the apartment after not seeing each other all summer! Letting her leave wasn't easy but I know she is going to have a blast in Brussels :) Since then, there have been a lot of us just hanging out on campus, which has been a lot of fun. It's nice to be here without any responsibility. Except, the type A part of me is excited that classes are starting tomorrow. Typical Furman student, I know.
Our delicious first meal in the apt!
I know the Lord has big plans for this year. He always does. I'm excited to see what He has in store for me and especially for the people around me. I am reminded every day that I am here of how much my life has been blessed by the people here and the community that God has provided.
I promise to be a more faithful blogger this semester. But absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? Just kidding. Make someone smile today :)