True life: I felt like I was at real college
It truly reminded me why I came to Furman.
Basically, beach weekend is where each fraternity/certain organizations rent hotels in Myrtle Beach for a majority of the Furman population. It essentially is a weekend-long party. I chose to go with a certain fraternity based on their "record" when it comes to craziness (basically, the least crazy option out of the frats).
So here's the rundown of what took place:
-We arrive at the oh-so-classy Sandcastle Hotel in Mrytle Beach at approximately 5 pm on Friday afternoon
-Head to Margaritaville for dinner (coconut shrimp...delicious)
-Go back to the hotel
SIDE NOTE: At this point, I am expecting to go back, maybe hit the beach/hot tub, hang out with some new friends, maybe dance a little, and go to bed. Not what happened at all.
-Everyone in the hotel procceds to bring out more alcohol than I have ever seen and begin to get "shammied" as one might put it and eventually pass out in bed.
SIDE NOTE #2: Sitting in a hotel, drinking with friends might be fun for those of us who drink. I do not. Needless to say, Friday night was quite boring. I could only hope that Saturday would be better.
-Saturday morning we wake up, hit up Starbucks and head for the beach. It's looking slightly overcast, but that's not stopping us.
-We get to the beach and guess what? Everyone is, once again, getting shammied.
-By this point, I am texting Sarabeth...wishing that I was still on campus.
-It rains.
-Dinner sort of occurs at some point, we get ready and head over to another fraternities' hotel to see their live band.
-The fun part of the weekend begins. Dancing all night, having a blast, not really caring what else is going on.
-Sunday, wake up early and drive back to FU.
So, all in all, the weekend wasn't the best one ever. BUT, it was most definitely worth it for Saturday night.
Drunk people are funny. I'll leave you with this image...I saw multiple people get stuck running around like this on Saturday night:

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